Frequently Asked Questions
Most wanted questions & answers
When should I bring my child in for his first dental cleanup?
When a child is two years old, he will usually have all the baby teeth (twenty of them). You can bring him in for his first dental checkup if he is not too shy. Otherwise you can try at three or four years old. Most children will do very well for their first checkup at four years old.
How do I clean my child's baby teeth?
You can start to wipe them with a piece of wet gauze especially before bed time. When the child is about two years old, you can start to try to brush his teeth with a small soft toothbrush with a very small quantity of tooth paste.
How do I keep my child's first baby teeth healthy?
You can keep them healthy by brushing and flossing them daily, avoiding sugary food and beverages and do not give him a bottle of milk to sleep.
My teeth do not hurt. Why do I need to see the dentist and the hygienist?
Most dental problems like initial small cavities and early gum disease do not cause any pain. These dental problems are best and easily treated when they are still at their early stages. At your regular dental visits, your dentist and hygienist will treat these problems and prevent them from getting into serious problems. They will also show you how to look after your teeth to keep them healthy.
My wisdom teeth do not cause me any pain. Why do I need to have them removed?
Wisdom teeth are usually partially or totally impacted (stuck inside the gum or bone). They are very difficult and some sometimes impossible to clean. The totally impacted ones can also become cystic (cyst formation around the tooth), and cause bone damage. The crowded wisdom teeth can cause crowding of the rest of the teeth. Although there are certain risks involved in the removal of wisdom teeth, the advantages of their removal usually outweigh the disadvantages.
When I was young, I have some teeth removed. This has not caused any problems or pain. Why do I need to replace them?
Your teeth and jaw form a dynamic and well- balanced system in order to produce efficient and durable chewing and speaking function. With the absence of the teeth, the durability and efficiency of the system is lost. The effect of such damages will show up as time goes on. Some of the common ones are the premature wear of the remaining teeth and sometimes the jaw joint, the shift and super-eruption (long teeth) of the affected teeth, the difficulty in chewing certain food and lost of the vertical dimension of the bite. It is important that any lost functioning teeth be evaluated for replacement at the early stage. There are a few options to replace missing teeth and your dentist can discuss these with you.
How can I make my teeth whiter?
Teeth with healthy enamel can best be whitened by bleaching. Your dentist can discuss a good and effective method for you to consider. For front teeth with moderate fillings, porcelain veneers can be an excellent way to restore and whiten them. For teeth with extensive fillings, crowns are good ways to strengthen and whiten them at the same time.
When should I put a crown on my tooth?
You should put a crown on your tooth that is at risk of fracturing. A tooth that has a root canal treatment or extensive fillings will benefit by having a crown to prevent fracturing.